
Different products have different shipping terms. You can always check out each product's shipping details/free shipping eligibility in the "Product Description" tab of the product. | 不同產品有不同的寄送計算方法、免費運送最低消費。你可以在每個產品的產品資料分頁中查看詳細運送條件。
For all free shipping products, they are insured and delivered by our list of trusted courier partners, such as AusPost and CourierPlease. For international shipping, most products will be delivered through AusPost / DHL. | 所有澳洲境內的免費運送均由AusPost及其他歷史悠久、可信賴的運送公司負責,並且包含保險。絕大部份的海外運送均由AusPost/DHL負責。